Example Usage

import zero_true as zt

# Create a TextInput component
text_input = zt.TextInput(
    disabled=False,              # If true, the input is disabled
    hint="Press Enter to Submit", # Hint text for the text input
    label="Enter Text",          # Label for the text input
    placeholder="Type here...",  # Placeholder text
    readonly=False,              # If true, the input is read-only
    triggerEvent="change",       # Trigger event to send code to the backend
    value=""                     # The input text value

# Assuming you have a mechanism to render or use this TextInput within a layout
layout = zt.Layout(components=[text_input])

Example Output


pydantic model zero_true.TextInput

Text input allows a user to input any form of text, and is a primary method for user interaction.

JSON Schema

Bellow are the various attributes you can assign to the component. Utlizing them can allow for modifications to the pre-created object.
Zero True Component