Example Usage

import zero_true as zt

# Create an iFrame component
iframe = zt.iFrame(
  src="https://www.example.com",  # Source URL for the iframe
  width="100%",  # Width of the iframe
  height=300,  # Height of the iframe
  frameborder=0,  # Frame border of the iframe
  allowtransparency=True,  # Allow transparency of the iframe
  scrolling="auto"  # Scrolling of the iframe

# Layout including the iFrame component
layout = zt.Layout(rows=[

# Render the layout
def render_layout():
  pass  # Your code to render the layout goes here


Example Output


pydantic model zero_true.iFrame

The iFrame component serves as a versatile tool for embedding external content directly within web applications, such as videos, web pages, or other documents. It provides comprehensive control over aspects like source URL, dimensions, scrolling behavior, and frame borders. This flexibility allows for seamless integration of varied content, enhancing the functionality and interactivity of websites by allowing them to host or display content hosted on other platforms without navigating away from the main page.

JSON Schema

Bellow are the various attributes you can assign to the component. Utlizing them can allow for modifications to the pre-created object.
Zero True Component